Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Terrorists School in Sentul not Guantanamo Bay

Sekolah Teroris di Sentul Bukan Guantanamo Bay
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Deputy Secretary of Defense, Sjafrie said that the terrorist training in Sentul will not end up like Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay is an American-owned military prison complex in Cuba used to detain terrorists.
"The place was more like a terrorist training rehab. This is not Guantanamo," said Sjafrie when met at the Ministry of Finance, Wednesday, September 12, 2012.
In contrast to the Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai, Sjafrie said the place was a terrorist training concept is not much different with a de-radicalization scholars. "I think together with a de-radicalization, yes," he said.
However Sjafrie said he did not know how budgets are prepared by the government to develop the training venue.
Head BNPT, Ansyaad Mbai, said the center is currently being built based terrorist training budget revenue expenditure 2012. The place was built in the Sentul.
"Capital expenditures (from the budget) that we want to end the new year realized. His form project in Sentul, terrorist training center," said Ansyaad when met at the Ministry of Finance.
Ansyaad explained that camp is not a place to train someone to become a terrorist. Instead, the training will be used to build a terrorist to come out of the "profession".
Ansyaad added that terrorist training places will be equipped with the instructor engaged in terrorist countermeasures. The number of terrorist plans that will be developed is 200. "The number of terrorists in jail right now there are about 200 people," he said.

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