Jumat, 06 September 2013

Wow, Pantulan Cahaya Gedung Lelehkan Mobil di Inggris

Melting Cars, CGI and Post-Production by Souverein 

Pantulan cahaya melelehkan satu mobil

Ilustrasi: Thinkstock

Panasnya cahaya pantulan gedung mampu melelehkan satu mobil Jaguar hingga melengkung. Kata pemilik mobil
Pemanasan global yang dialami oleh bumi semakin hari semakin memprihatinkan. Bahkan saat ini panasnya sinar matahari sudah tak bisa dianggap remeh lagi. Pasalnya hanya berupa pantulan tak langsung saja kini telah bisa melelehkan mobil Jaguar di Inggris.
Dilansir dari metro, mobil Jaguar di Inggris telah menjadi korban panasnya sinar matahari yang menyebabkan bodinya melelah. Gedung Walkie Talkie ini merupakan gedung baru di kawasan Eastcheap, London.
Belakangan ini para warga yang melintas mengaku mengeluhkan pantulan yang menyilaukan pada siang hari sehingga harus menutup mata ketika melintas. Bahkan pantulan tersebut kini terbukti sangat panas sehingga mampu melelehkan mobil milik Martin Lindsay tersebut.
Martin memarkir mobil Jaguar XJ miliknya di jalan Eastcheap yang terkena pantulan dari Walkie Talkie. Ia pun syok saat kembali ke tempat parkir dua jam kemudian dan mendapati panel mobilnya melengkung disertai bau plastik terbakar. Dari foto tampak bodi mobil mewah itu mengalami perubahan bentuk karena bodinya meleleh.
“Mereka harus melakukan sesuatu. Aku kecewa. Bagaimana ini bisa terus terjadi?” kritik Martin.
Untunglah pihak pengembang kontruksi bersedia membayar pebaikan Jaguar milik Martin. Pemerintah kota juga memutuskan untuk mengosongkan lahan parkir yang terkena pantulan paling banyak.  Tak hanya mobil bos perusahaan ubin tersebut, sebelumnya juga ada pemilik van Vauxhall Vevaro yang mengalami nasib sama.
“Vanku benar-benar parah, setiap plastik di sisi kanan dan semua yang di dashboard meleleh,”  tutur Eddie Cannon pada City A.M.
Gedung Walkie Talkie sebenarnya memiliki nama resmi 20 Fenchurch Street memiliki tinggi 160 meter. Dibangun oleh arsitek asal New York, Rafael Vinoly, gedung 37 lantai ini belum selesai sepenuhnya dan dijadwalkan rampung tahun depan.

Glare from London Skyscraper Blamed for Melting Car

Did the building developers make a glaring error?

Leon Neal / AFP / Getty Images
A man reacts to a shaft of intense sunlight reflected from the glass windows of the new "Walkie Talkie" tower in central London on August 30, 2013.
Anticipation is building as construction of London’s “Walkie Talkie” skyscraper continues, but there’s one problem already towering over its developers: the structure may be melting cars. Seriously.
The commercial skyscraper at 20 Fenchurch Street in the city’s financial district, which earned its nickname for its distinct shape, has been blamed for reflecting enough sunlight to warp the metal on parked cars, the BBC reports. A man said he had parked his Jaguar on a nearby street and after he returned two hours later, noticed damage to the vehicle’s mirror, panels and Jaguar badge. He also told the BBC that he found a note from the construction company on the windshield that said, “Your car’s buckled, could you give us a call?” Ouch.
(MORE: China Plans to Build the World’s Largest Skyscraper in Just 90 Days)
In the meantime, the building developers, Land Securities and Canary Wharf, aren’t taking this lightly. They apologized to the Jaguar owner and paid for repairs, and are now investigating. “As a precautionary measure, the City of London has agreed to suspend three parking bays in the area which may be affected while we investigate the situation further,” the companies said in a joint statement. They also hit us with some science: “The phenomenon is caused by the current elevation of the sun in the sky. It currently lasts for approximately 2 hours per day, with initial modelling suggesting that it will be present for approximately 2-3 weeks.”
The epic car-melting ray of light has already caused such a stir that if we’re lucky, maybe Madonna will write another song about it.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/09/03/glare-from-london-skyscraper-blamed-for-melting-car/#ixzz2duIEeneK

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